Jul 11 - 2021
Blinking of eye play very important role to keep your eye strain free, prevent from dryness especially for people who are digital user. And doing eye exercise is very useful for everyone and it’s as simple like doing blinking. Before doing eye exercise we recommend you to wash your face and eye with normal water. Here are a few different types of eye exercises that will be helpful for everyone.
1. Blinking
Blink your eye quickly around 20 times, after blinking close your eye and relax for 20 sec while taking long breath.repeat it for 5times.
2. Near & Far focus
This is focus exercise and should be do while seating position. Hold your thumb at 10 to 15 inch away from your face and keep focus for 15 sec. After that focus on any object that is 10 to 15 feet away from your face again for 15 sec.Again back to thumb position . Repeat this exercise for min 5 times.
3. Pencil Pushups
This exercise help to improve ocular convergence ability. Pencil or any pointed object held directly in front, at arm’s length and keep looking at the tip of object. Then bring the object slowly towards the nose trying to keep it in clear focus. When the pencil starts to appear as a double image, the pencil should be drawn away from the nose again. The exercise should be repeated several times.
4. Sideways & Up-Down viewing
Look right and left several times without moving your head. Then look up and down several times. Repeat this exercise 10 to 20 times, after completing this exercise, close your eyes and rest for few sec.
5. Rotational viewing
Rotate your eye ball clockwise and then anticlockwise several times. Then Look to your rightward corner of your eye and then shift your gaze gradually to the opposite direction. The tiny eye muscles get more active and healthy with the spurt of blood pumped in from the shifting.
6. Palming
Place your two hands over your eyes with the cup of your palm covering your eyes, your fingers on your forehead and the heel of your hand will rest on your cheekbone then blink slowly not giving too much pressure on your eye. This exercise rest your mind and your eyes for a few minutes at a time.